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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clayton is going to be transferred to Angola

so now its out.. my twin brother Clayton is being transferred to Angola (Louisiana). As those that have been reading my blog know, he is serving 25-to-life for a gay bashing.

At least he is going to be a little closer, so I can go see him. My visitor pass for where he is now was cancelled, and I hope I get a new one for Angola. I don't even know why... because I'm poz or because we look identical? Looking at him is like looking a mirror, except he has really short cropped hair.

I hear Angola isn't a nice place though, pretty rough. But where he is now isn't good either. He got beat up a couple times and stabbed really bad. Louisiana State Pen isn't fun.

Thats jail, i know what he's going through. I was only in Texas jails though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely, i just made lots of another emo backgrounds 4 my blog

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