Most Popular Posts since I started blogging in Feb 2008:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clayton is going to be transferred to Angola

so now its out.. my twin brother Clayton is being transferred to Angola (Louisiana). As those that have been reading my blog know, he is serving 25-to-life for a gay bashing.

At least he is going to be a little closer, so I can go see him. My visitor pass for where he is now was cancelled, and I hope I get a new one for Angola. I don't even know why... because I'm poz or because we look identical? Looking at him is like looking a mirror, except he has really short cropped hair.

I hear Angola isn't a nice place though, pretty rough. But where he is now isn't good either. He got beat up a couple times and stabbed really bad. Louisiana State Pen isn't fun.

Thats jail, i know what he's going through. I was only in Texas jails though.

Efficiency Rating at Work

(catching up a little on my blog. Saturday afternoon, Josh is busy - probably with Cooper - and I am bored)

Work.... after Noah left to go to Oregon, and the new guy is here now for him, lots of things are changing. The new guy and the manager get along really good and the dude really OK.

Now we have a "Efficiency System" that counts what each guy gets done and how many comebacks he gets. I'm doing good with it and if it stays this way, I get a nice bonus for the quarter!! I am just doing my stuff and I get a lot done. The new guy likes me, he says I'm a good worker. I think the manager tipped him that I'm gay and poz, because the new guy brought it up but just to say he couldn't give a flying fuck who I'm boning. He was wanting to say he's cool with that, but then it must have made him think that maybe I was the one being boned and I could see it in his face and he got like totally red in the face! But it was just funny, he tried to be like totally nice and cool with it and it just backfired on him in a funny way. He's cool.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Labels and Legs

Went through all my posts and added labels. Hmm wow, I skipped a bunch of stuff over all this time that I've been telling my friends in chat but never wrote up in the blog. And I saw sooo many spelling errors (fixed those I saw).

With the labels it should be easier to find stuff. Funny, though, there is only one mention of Josh's legs.. he looks SO hot. In all this time I only put up one of them. Here are some more of HIS legs. That is a huge fetish for me ... except his dick of course :-)

the hottest is this in his Adidas training pants and sneaks:

These feet, knees, and legs kicked me sooo much!!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

120% APR Finance Charge

Just saw that on my online bank statement (have doctor's visit today and need to pick up meds later.. was checking if I have enough cash for the co-pay). Above my balance appeared a new thing, where it said I can get up to $500 as a "Request for Direct Deposit Advance". So basically, just by clicking and entering any number in $20 increments, I can just get up to $500 and don't even have to beg a teller. That is pretty cool!


right under that, it says:

For every $20 that you advance, your Finance Charge will be $2, which equates to an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 120%

Whoa! is that even legal?

World AIDS Day

(for my 1st time with my bf Josh you have to scroll down a little)

I have a bunch of other updates to my blog.. but of course I have to say something about world AIDS day since that is today (Dec 1st).

For me of course that is weird. You all know I am HIV+ and my T-Cells dip down on and off under the level where I "officially" have AIDS and am not 'just' POZ. Right now it's back up. So far, I haven't had much problems, other than the side effects of my meds (throwing up or feel queasy) and 'the runs' sometimes.

For the longest time, I thought "(RED)" is some marketing gag by Starbucks where my bf Josh drags me all the time. I hate to go places I don't know, because I studder so bad, and I am always afraid people start talking to me, or he puts me on the spot. But he likes Starbucks coffee, even though he keeps complaining about it when they run out of drip or have no straws etc. (he always puts a straw in his venti drip).

I guess I should have known (RED) is to support the fight against AIDS but how could I know? I stayed away from anything with the logo, because I didn't want to fill the coffers of the likes of Starbucks etc. Till I found out its actually in some way or another for me, too. An AIDS fight support thing. But mostly, to help some niggers in Africa. OK so, I purposely said "nigger". That is what Josh gets me for, all the time. I know the people in Africa are not 'niggers' amd those that have and get AIDS are off way worse than me. I know I struggle with the Health Care (and my work has a plan!! - even without the Obama stuff). I struggle with the co-pay a lot ($$$) but their is no way I could afford the meds by myself.

Now the people in Africa know even less. They don't know what AIDS is, how they get it, they don't know about condoms. etc. For sure they can't get medicine, they can't afford it if they knew there is meds, and most still think it's a curse. That is really sad.

I guess I should feel guilty that I am poz, Just for fucking around high on drugs and getting it somehow. OK I hear the people in Africa also get it from fucking around and cheating, and it's mostly straight folks, but its not like me partying.

I could blame Ryan I guess, the guy I was with at the time who really got me on drugs, was whoring me out like crazy, and got me into so many gang bangs. But whats the point. He's been in jail for a long time, got out early, managed to screw up again in a couple months, and now he is back in for good. Probably till he dies. I know what it's like inside, so I am not going to be mad at him. He is gonna get screwed so bad like hes been already. I guess once youre fucked up in the head it stays. I am not much different really.

But I am staying on the straight edge, only cos of Josh. I love him and (or: BUT) I am so scared of him what he is doing if I go off on the deep end again (i.e get high). Either he dumps me so fast (and I couldn't live without him) or he fucks me up so bad for it, that I am not even THINKING of doing something dumb. The time Ryan was out (and right after my ass) was the worst. It's so hard to say "NO" to Ryan. At least it is for me. I was with him for so long and he knows me inside and out. From when I was 17 till when he got arrested and sentenced (and when I found out I was pos) at 23. I would still say the time with him was a ride through hell ........ and so exciting!

But I wouldn't want to go through it again. I know better now. Back then, out of foster care and then jail, I was so happy to be with Ryan, and it felt all great. I was getting high and do it with older guys, and with pain, since I was 15. So it wasn't like 'weird'.

Of course I know and remember how hot it was to get high and do gang bangs, S/M to the extreme kink, and all that other stuff. WOW. But once I found out I was pos because of it, I really sobered up and quit drugs and shortly after that got with Josh. And he has like a "zero tolerance" thing going with drugs. Once and I am out. And he means it!!!

My doc is really good - and yet, he used to be one of the guys who would be in on a LOT of those parties Ryan set up for gang bangs where everyone was high as a kite and then some. NOW he lays the doctor thing one me, and tells me stay away from drugs, to always use a condom, blah blah blah. That is so (!) hypocritical. I wonder if he still has a stash of Tina, GHB, and cola (like he used to!! plus the prescription drugs he could get so easy being a doc) and wants to fuck young boys bare like he used to. But he's been so often up my ass back then, but he seems to have forgotten that. At least I know who I'm dealing with, and not some stranger whose got "issues" with POZ gays. And now I am 10 years past his age range at 28, so he is chill with me :-)

I don't know what the future holds for me. I take it one day at a time. I guess I am lucky compared to the people in Africa or in other countries where they don't have good meds and docs (is Africa a country or what?).

I have a boyfriend I love with everything I have, I am extremely lucky to have a boyfriend who fucks like GOD and who treats me like I need it. He may look like an ass hole sometimes but he really isn't. Deep down he's a nice guy he just has a hard time showing it, and he just is totally horny all the time and needs to stick his dick somewhere to get off, that's just his nature. And of course all the other guys who find out that he fucks like God want him too, so I shouldn't be and can't be jelous of them or mad at them.

Really, I think it was fate when he took  me home for a 1-night-stand. Thats like way over 3 years ago now. I knew it was going to be special, I had a gut feeling from the moment I saw him at The Eagle. Long before he talked to me and took me home. I don't think he knew till the next morning. When we got to his place that night and he started to just beat the living crap out of me (and not like do the usual: get high, drop the pants, fuck me, and kick me out), I got scared but I knew either this is a crazy serial killer or something, or something really good. I rarely got beat like that since one of my foster dads, but I never got fucked THAT good (and like he's been saying since, half of Dallas has been up my ass). I think he liked it that I shot a fat load several feet off. He still beat me some more, anyway. And he really wailed on my balls that night.

The one thing that made the difference between a one-night stand and what we have now is ONE (1) word the morning after.

ONE word can make ALL the difference in life!

When he woke me up (rudely ... like he was pissed that I was still there) and asked if I wanted another round of the same (he just said "want it again?") - I KNEW that he expected me to say "no fucking way let me out of here" or something along that line, and that this was what most guys said to him if they really stayed that long. LOL I said "yes" and after a second, "please", and I saw it in his eyes that I so fucking S-C-O-R-E-D by saying just "yes". He did really let me have it, a LOT worse than the night before. I was still super sore, my balls were hurting, but I KNEW that was the love of my life an there was NO WAY I would buckle.

"Love of my life" sounds cheesy and that's not what I would have called it then. But if you were a foster kid and your mom put you in the trash and kept your twin brother instead, and you go through hell like me, you know when you know that you found what you crave. I knew deep down this was the guy I was wanting to be with and who I wanted to dig me. He could not have done anything that would have swayed me. I just locked on and I wouldn't let go. And haven't since.

He really put me on a test and really hurt me and then fucked me while he was still trying to break my balls. At 11 am in the morning ...LOL. Even though I felt sick and was so close to throwing up, I didn't let it ruin things, and he got off soooooo good, .... - and I splattered a HUGE load again, too, right against the wall. It really actually SPLATTERED and he was impressed that I could or would cum that good even though he hit me and my balls so much and I was crying hard when he came inside me.

But he is the horniest guy I have EVER (!) met and even he was impressed with that, and that I didn't buckle when he asked me "again?". That one thing made all the difference. He didn't admit it of course, but since, I "got to stick around" - as he calls it (I can say now, he is my boyfriend without smacking me for it - even though he won't *say* it, "boyfriend"). The way he gets off with me, it's GOT to be good for him (and I don't think any of the other really cute guys he keeps fucking do the same for him). But for sure it's good for me when he fucks me like God and I get off for him and from him with one of the 8-foot-splatterers only he can make me do ... that keeps me alive. I gladly put up with all the other stuff he puts me through - just for the feeling of me getting him off by far the best and what it's like for me.

So, overall, for World AIDS DAY, I can't complain.

Except for maybe I am POS and not clean (and can't turn it back). I'll die from AIDS one day.

An my boyfriend won't let me move in with him, so I can sleep with him every night and be around him all the time. Maybe one day he will let me move in with him. I am in his bed 5 nights a week, and he can't get enough of me. And yet, he wants the option to kick me out and make me miserable waiting to come back.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Flecktarn Night

Wednesday evening just before Thanksgiving was Flecktarn night like every Wednesday. I was 20 mins late. We had so much to do. Like everyone was leaving town and had to get their truck fixed the last minute. I had like 3 people breathing down my neck to finish stuff up, even after we were already closed. Then I changed in my flecktarn uniform in my truck - no time to go home first. Thats why I had everything in the bag anyway, this isn't the first time. But there was also a lot of traffic so I was 20 minutes late. But there were only a few guys, and my boyfriend Josh wasn't there yet either. Nobody was tied to any of the 2 poles yet.

Just saw with the other 4 guys at the bar and had a beer at the end of the bar on the last stool. They left me alone and after about 10 min or so Josh came and sat with me, and then Master Mitchell and his Russian boy came a little later, and then 2 more guys but that was it. Small crowd, I guess because of the holidays. Nobody made a move to get anyone tied up. From everyone there, I was the only one that was in question anyway and the only one in flecktarn. but I also didn't want to just go and stand at the pole and wait till anyone ties me up and punches me. I figured I just wait and see. I just kept a low profile and sucked on my beer. Everyone else was talking, and so I just watched and listened.

Master Mitchell and his boy kept doing Vodka shots with some of the guys and they got more rowdy. Josh had gone over and sat with them. I was just sitting by myself in the corner. An hour or so into that, and a lot of vodka shots, Mitchell and Josh called me over and said if I wanted to get tied up and get my beating for the night. But then someone said they would have to get up for that so they had me come over to them to get it. So I went and stood in front of Master Mitchell but he wasn't suddenly in a good mood anymore and said I knew better than that. I didn't come close enough and I did not stand up straight and did not put my hands behind my back, and my boots 2 feet apart. I fixed that, and Josh pushed me forward towards him. Then Mitchell got up from his stool and grinned again, and then he punched me hard in the guts, right below the navel. Mitchell does martial arts do he can deliver punches. Of course I bent over, but I left my hands in my neck (I know better than be tempted to take them away). He grabbed my head and pushed it down a little more and said if I was ready to suck his dick and everyone was laughing. But then he raised up his knee and kicked me in the chest, that straightened me back up, but I stumbled backwards into the other guys who were sitting at the bar. They caught me and pushed me back a little so I could get my balance and stand. Then Mitchell grabbed me by the shirt (still had my hands up behind my neck, I did not let the arms go down) and pulled me a couple steps intp the room and turned me around and stepped back a bit. Then he kicked me full force in the balls, tip of his boots dead on. I tried my best to keep standing, but it was just too much. No wonder, when I have to go to his place once a month, he always ties me up so I can't go down. The pain was just too much, I went down on my knees and tried to breathe. They laughed and then ignored me and went back to their vodka shots. I took my hands down and held my balls and felt the pain shoot up from my balls. I was on my knees bent over holding my balls and trying to tough it out.

A couple minutes later Joe got up to take a piss. He is that big black guy who has it still out for me. Even though its been settled between us, since I don't call him nigger to his face anymore and he got to beat me up and fuck me in front of Josh. But he is always on my case anyways. So he got up and walks around the bar for the reatrooms and stops right where I am still on the floor on his way and kicks me in the side and says I am in the way. There are 6 feet in front and behind me, so I really wasn't in the way. And he kicks me again and says get up! and out of the way! SO I work myself up but I am not standing yet when he kicks me hard in the ass, so I fly forward towards the back and fall down again.

But he is right behind me and kicks me in the back and says why I am in the way and to get up. WHen I am on my arms and knees to get up, he kicks me again, really hard this time, in the gut. Fuck that really hurt, and I feel I'm wretching some. But Joe just grabs the neck of my flecktarn shirt and pulls me up with just one arm. He is a big guy, and my 150 pounds are not like a huge weight for him. Then he keeps pushing me, still holding me by my shirt collar on his arm, stretched out straight in front of him, and I am stumbling towards the back and restroom in front of him. From the bar there is laughing and someone yells to "bring him back and don't fuck him up in there" and more loud laughing.

Joe just runs me hard into the wall and then pulls me back by my collar and slams me into the wall again. Theh he lets go and turns me around and pushed my back against the wall and puts his left hand on my shoulder, so I stay there. Then he has this grin on his face looking down to me that I know all to well and asks where I want it. I know better than to say anything. He has at least 50 pounds of muscle on me and a foot taller. From all the other flecktarn nights I know when not to have a smart mouth, and I am not tempted to call him a nigger anymore anyway. It's just not worth it. Doesn't mean he still hates me and I get my share every Wednesday evening from him when he is there; a little more or less.

He says it doesnt look like anyone gets tied up to one of the poles tonight, but I surely want some right? I didn't plan to say anything, but he is waiting for me to say something. I was about to say something like "do it or leave me alone" .. but sometimes it helps that I studder so badly, since I didn't get more out then "d - d- d- d-" and he got impatient already and said that I was "such a shit" and started punching me hard. Joe's punches are like a steel hammer, his arms are as big around as my legs. His left hand is like a claw on my shoulder that keeps me fixed to the wall and from bending over or going down and it seems like its like no effort to him to hold me like that. That guy has so much power. Really sucks that hes a black. He punches me like 7 or 8 times and with the second or so while I try to keep my ab muscles flexed, It seems he is punching them right through against my spine and hurting my spine by squeezing it between my abs and the wall with every one of his punches.

The last one is going up and right into my solar plexus. That instantly killed my air and my legs went like rubber. Before I can drop down, though, he catches me and pushes me hard back up against the wall, and is like leaning against me, while I am desperately trying to get air in my lungs. After a couple of seconds heaving and gasping for air, and feeling my stomach cramping, he says into my ear "so, white boy you know whats next, right?" god I hate tis mo-fo but I can't say anything that would make it only worse. I can't say anything, anyway, cause I am still trying to get air, it feels my lungs are cramped and crumpled up from that punch upwards in my solarplexus. I feel Joe forcing his knee between my legs to open them up, and I don't resist it (whats the point). I know I am trembling and I feel it but I am still without air.

Then Joe rams his knee up the first time, dead in my balls. Oh my god! He is leaning against me with all his weight, and it pushed me up a little. It hurts so much that I suck in air being pushed up, but I can't scream, on breathing out, it's more like a whine I am making and I feel tears on my face. This fucking big nigger is doing whatever he wants with me and he is so much bigger. And I am almost hugging the guy, I have no way else with my arms since he is so close against me. The pain from my balls is going up and down in waves in me, my legs are total rubber, I am just hanging at the wall from the pressure of his big body leaning against me. He is working his knee again to get my legs open wide enough again, and I can't help I am choking up, because its all so helpless for me. And then he knees me a second time. I bet he makes every effort to knee me as hard as what hes got with his big legs. BANG! This time I scream out and then the pain really kicks in and I am sobbing hanging with my chin on his shoulder, and hyperventilating at the same time. I can feel him laughing at me and he is grabbing my ass with both his hands and like kneading it. The he puts his left arm around me and my neck, so my chin stays on his shoulder, and pulls back, so I am literally hanging on him, feet and boots off the floor, and still kind of hugging him, now more so he won't break my neck by which I am hanging on him, not because I don't know where to put my arms. And he says to me, like whispering in my ear, "so, white boy" (he always calls me that when there is nobody in ear shot, just because I used to call him nigger), "one more and you don't walk today.. your boyfriend won't like have" (yeah and he doesn't want to piss of Josh) "and he's gonna fuck you up later". And: "hmmm I would let you suck me off, but from you I'll prolly catch something." I am wondering if his dick is hard now, but I can't feel it one way or the other the way I am hanging from him (he is HUGE, one of the fattest I have seen - and felt as you know -). And then he says this time i get off easy and just lets me drop and I fall down hard.

With that he goes inside the restroom and takes a long piss and whistles!! I am curled up on the floor with the broken little tiles, and can't help the tears. I am retching, I am trying not to throw up.

Then he comes out again and kicks me and says get up, I have to bring you out with me, can't be having Josh get all pissy. You have to think of it like how the niggers talk, like ebonics. I can't write it like that. Just sucks. I can't get up yet so he grabs my left wrist off my balls and twsist my arm and make sme get up. I am stumbling in front of him again, with like rubber legs, but he makes my arm hurt so bad, I have to stay up. Back outisde in front of the bar he lets go and i fall down, on my knees, right in front of Master Mitchell.

And Mitchell says "hello hello hello we were waiting for you.. did you have fun in there?" And everyone is laughing hard. They must have done 10 shots while we were back there. And he tells me to get up and says I can't just have fun. I am trying to but I have a hard time to get on my legs, so he tells the others to  help me. So two of them get up, Mitchells Russian boy and one other ans get me on my feet and the fucking Russian gets behind me and holds me up, his arms under mine and then crossed in my neck.. so Mitchell has me all presented to him. Russian Boy behind me kicks my legs open and he keeps saying shit in russian in my ear. No clue what it means but I don't think it needs translation. Anyway, I get two hard kicks from Mitchell and with the second Russian Boy lets me go and I am just crumpled up on the floor holding my balls, crying, and trying not to throw up.

After that, they ignore me and keep drinking. I just stay there, even after the pain gets better. If I got up, they just get me again. After a while Josh gets up to take a piss, and he grabs me and makes me sit on a bench on the side and says "don't get drunk I need you to drive. And get a fucking grip on yourself." Yeah yeah thats Josh allright. No wonder, the way they have been doing shots, nobody of them can drive. Russian boy doesn't seem drunk at ALL, all the others definitely are way past it. The guy behind the bar isn't arguing he just put the bottles on the bar and ice. I am glad I can just sit on the side and watch, and nobody pays any attention on me. When Josh comes back from his piss, he sits next to me for a second and looks at me. Then he says "quit the crying you look ridicelous" and gets up and back with the others.

It's not too long after that, that they are tired and want to go home. LOL, Mitchell almost fell off his stool, he is THAT drunk!!! I've always heard never drink vodka with a Russian, but what do i know. I know the twisted fucker (both the Russian and Mitchell, which ever you thought I meant). The Russian guy looks like he's been having only water.

Josh comes over and says gimme your keys, so i do and he hands them to the bar guy and says to him to watch the truck or else. You can't leave a car there overnight or its gone or broken in. The bar dude roll shis eyes cos that means he has to watch it to put is somewhere safe but we are too good business plus hes too fucking scared to say anything. So then I have to get up and drive Josh in his truck. Good thing is, I get to go home with him :-)

Not that I feel much like driving, but no choice and I only had 5 or 6 beers earlier. And of course I don't want Josh to drive cos he is defo way past it. Outside i catch a backhand from Mitchell, and he tells me to be a good boy.

Fromt here we go to Josh's place. For a moment I was afraid he'd make me go to The Eagle first or some place but I guess he's had enough. At his place he just smacks me a little and racks me once and then we sleep. A couple hours later at 3 or 4, the usual happens, Josh is sobered up enough, horny and waking up, so he wakes me up and I get my share again. At least it's Thanksgiving and I don't have to get out the house at 7am like normally. Of course he punches my sore nuts but then he fucks me good and I cum a goooood load. Not the 8-footer but good.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

FACEBOOK sucks - they deleted me

Last week I wanted to check on my facebook stuff, but I just got a message "YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DISABLED". No explanation why. No e-mail, either, and they send 1 email for every little stupid friend add and 'like' till you turn that off. But for the important things: nothing!

I never even logged in much, was more to see what my bf was doing on fb. I did have my blog linked to the notes there, maybe they choked on that. I don't know and I don't care much. If it makes them feel better to yank peoples stuff.

What is bad about it though, is that some people put a lot of work into it and maybe even money. This kid from the UK that my bf is so ga-ga over ("Radgie") has the same thing happen to him. But he really put a lot of work into it, with like 2,000 friends and his own fan page with also a lot of people on there. To just delete it is really mean. I think. I think he even paid them for advertising and all that.

I am defo not going back on facebook. How many profiles can I keep up anyways.. I am on recon and youtube is also kind of tacky what they allow and whatnot. I have trouble enough to post to my own blog regularly :-)

[thanks to c00p3r for the help with the fuck facebook logo!! - thanks coopi!]

Blog Design Update

quiet day today (it's raining) so I am going to catch up some with the blog.. finally!!

Updated a lot of stuff, changed the title pic (thanks for the help Cooper!) and edited a lot on the sidebar, the elevator summary, and also fonts, colors, the check boxes and all.

next are blog posts ... so if you subscribe you'll get them instantly!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday again and the Fort Hood Massacre

of course the big news today is the Fort Hood massacre. Crazy. When I heard it on the radio this afternoon of course I was shocked at first but then I thought of course Josh isn't on base right now but at the airfield in Fort Worth. Anyway there are 30,000 to 40,000 people in Fort Hood at any time so it wouldn't have been likely that he could have been any of the 11 killed or 31 wounded.

But you always think the worst. He was followign it close too I know and I called him on my break. Really sucks. But nobody he knows got hurt today. Thats good for us but of course it totally sucks for the families of those that got killed or wounded.

Otherwise my day was busy. WE AR TOTALLY SWAMPED. No idea whats going on.. maybe its the new guy that got Noah's job. I dunno but that is the only thing that changed lately, and the people even make lines now waiting for services and we have to park cars in the street! That must have been 2 or more years that we had to do that last. I flushed 3 radiaters today and did5 or 6 engine oil service and 3 transmissions, and thats not even all. Even had to cut my lunch short.. that was good though, first the manager came and gave me $20 cash if I went back to work right after eating (and no nappy) and then the custonmer tipped me another $10 cos he was waiting and he saw that I got back early on his car from lunch .. not bad!!!

Comes in real handy. Even though I don't have to pay for Noah's health insurance anymore so we don't lose the plan and I dont lose my insurance, I have to pay rent now that I have my own place again. If Josh would let me move in I'd be rich but hey he just wont have that ... the co-pay for my meds is still whats killing me

Last night was flecktarn, so I was a little queezy all day till afternoon sometimes. Good queezy though. At first they didn't take me, but the guy who got tied to "my" post didn't last all the way so when he crapped out they got me anyways, later. Was good last night.. I got gutpunched HARD for 30 minutes and that was it. At the end. Joe the big black guy gave me one hard knee in the balls.. I swear he always is out to break mine. But that was it and the guys were talking for a bit and I got to ride with Josh to his place :-) I figured he was fucking horny after all of this and I know him too good. I got my real beating for the night from him and he royally fucked my brains out.... nothing is as good as its with him!!! He didnt even kick me out after so I could sleep next to him. Of course like almost always he woke me at 3 or 4 for another fuck but I'm used that he wont let me sleep through. SO I had a hard time to keep my eyes open at first this morning and almost rear-ended a truck. But then it was so busy at work I forgot all that.

I guess thats all for today. I'm heading over, he said he would be later today cos of all the stuff going on down in Fort Hood tonight

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunny Morning

Hi Everyone.

Just a quick one cos I have to go to work and it's almost 7:30. Sunny day today, which is nice. Last days it was always kind of overcast or rainy.

Tonight is flecktarn again, so I won't be on. Now just quickly checking the facebook and I'm off to work. We are like super busy in the shop.

by the way my fb is:

have a great day!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

back from Post Office

in a way its kind of weird you can go on Sunday afternoon and you can go mail a letter. There was this middle-ages pms-ing lady who almost kicked the machines cos she couldn't hack it... I was going to offer her help but she was so messed up that I thought I better stay away. I dunno what she did but for me it worked just fine.

The I was thinking I should have got a money order to send with it but for that the clerk needs to be their. At prison they dont take money orders from 7-11 only official from post office for inmates. Next time then. I thought I better send it off and not sit it out cos then its another 2 weeks. Hugh was right about that. He gave me the idea anyway to write (Thanks!!). why didn't I think of that. I know he can't call cell phones, only landlines and collect. With Noah in the office he could call my work, but with the new guy now it's not going to work. Maybe set something for home. Had to get a phone line for the DSL. That is such a rip-off. $50 for a line I don't even use and I bet for collect calls from jail they charge like $10/minute.

So now I've cleaned up, unpacked everything, wrote the letter, mailed it, and I am horny ... maybe go see if Josh lets me in and I can get laid before the weekend is over.


time just flies ... been off a while. Noah quit because he got a much better job in Oregon. He really though I would go with him... so he got all mad and kicked me out. Been staying with Ryan at this chicks' house. He got out early after only 6 years and you'd think he'd stay clean but now he stabbed a dude and is back in, and this time forever.

Here's the video Noah did of me. YouTbe won't let me share it without a lot of hassle, and my blog is marked adult and people have to click on something so should be ok. Come on, everybody does it.... hope you like.

Noah said its so obvious i got lasered in it. LOL and i don't even cum.. I couldn't anyway just from normal jerking and nuts not being hit or whatever. He thought its fun anyway and wanted to watch and record it. Whatever.

Wrote a letter to my twin brother, to jail. Hope he gets it. Wasn't easy cos I know he is so down and people read it first before he gets it. They cancelled my visitor pass. Said I am a risk but they won't say why or what risk it is.

Now its already Halloween time again

Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Month Gone, Face Book, and Flecktarn

I got my Facebook to work and am getting pretty good at it. Fun to make some new friends.

Time just flies... been a month since I posted here last and now it's almost 4th of July again!

I get tied up for flecktarn almost every week now. Last Wendesday was the first time in a long time I wasn't but I felt really bad that day anyway so Josh let me off the hook.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Hunt

This Memorial Day weekend was another hunt. I was one of the ones getting hunted and PoW.

I am still too exhausted to write it all up, most of it I can't tell anyways.

Just so y'all know why I wasn't online all this weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Work, Jail, Life, Flecktarn

So .

Making another effort to write more regelary on my blog.

Called my little brother Reece today and heard my twin bro Clayton got messed up in jail. He went to visit and they wouldnt let him. Just said he got in a fight and hes hurt bad and in the hospital. That means nothing. I wish I knew whats going on.

At work someone backed into a tall metal tool box and knocked it over and it feel on me. hurt my left knee and leg pretty bad. Wasn't bleeding too bad but hurt.

Noah was horny and was wanting to fuck after work. I wasn't in the mood cos I was going to Josh's house and not get fucked twice. But I have to be nice to him. So we shared a joint first and he punched me in the balls... he knows I'm into this, I guess he tried to turn me on. LOL. It was a punch allright but I almost laughed. He meant it to be nice. He got off good though and I could drive over to Josh. He was done fast today also, he was already waiting for me. He fucked me till I was cumming real good though, so I'm happy. And he didn't send me away after, he is letting me stay. I'm glad, I am rather around him and not back at Noah's who would prolly want to fuck again. I have to sleep in his bed so either way thats the way it is.

Last Flecktarn night at the bar with the group I got knocked out 4 times. They really let me have it. and that after the wild weekend. I got picked for flecktarn night all the last weeks. I hope I get a break for a week or two this is getting to me.

I'm tired, so I keep it sort for tonight. Better short than nothing right

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