Tons of stuff happened at work since Valentines too. After the new guy quit my manager put the guy from the counter in the back. He fucked up things their anyways all the time and been wanting to work in the back again. So then he hired this new guy for the counter like doing the computers and the paper work and help run things. And before the new guy came he got us all together and like gave us the riot act, but that was mostly for Shane the asshole. He said that if anybody (!) made anyone (!) quit again he would fire his ass, like on the spot. He was really worked up about the new guy quitting and he said he doesnt want that again, EVER!! He was looking at Shane most of the time and Shane so totally didnt get it he should of have wiped that stupid grin of his face.
So then the guy shows up. Oh man.... his name is Noah, and he is H-O-T. You can tell he is gay, like really gay. SO he goes around with the manager and says hi to everyone and then he and Shane met. Everyone was like all looking already cos we all knew what was gonna happen the second Shane sees him. I mean gay doesnt go in the shop and Noah is so totally obvius. So Shane says hi and Noah says hi and the manager is already giving Shane the stare like hes warning him and Shane is like all nice but waaay tooo nice. So the second they turn around and walk like 6 feet away Shane says OH FUCK A FAG, and so they heard it and everyone else, too. It was like everyone was waiting for what would happen next. My best bet was either they just keep walking, the manager and Noah, OR my manager was going back and ripping Shane a new one and this time a big one, cos just the day before he read us all the riot act. But fuck, NO! Noah turns around like in a quarter second, and gets into Shane face and says something to him we all couldnt hear, and he's not backing down! LOL dude you could have cut the tension with a knife! I think th emanager was as surprised as we were and everyone was waiting what would happen next, like what Shane would do. Shane got like red in the face, really really red and I thought he was going to hit Noah. Dude that guy doesnt take shit, even from Shane. And Shane? He fucking backs down and says yeah yeah and goes back to work. We were all like damn!!!! Its like nobody could believe it. I'd give my left ear to know what he said to Shane tho! Of course, we all knew this wasnt going to be the end of this, Shane would not let it slide.
But the guy is GOOD. He got like all the mess up front sorted out in a couple days and the manager is like really happy with him. And the customers love him. Even the gay guy thats always coming for nothing and hanging around me doesnt do that anymore. I think now he comes even for lesser shit but hes all drooling over Noah. And the guy is gay. Sometimes he gets dropped of and picked up by a guy and that must be his boyfriend. He comes through the shop a lot, checking up on stuff so he knows whats going on so he can tell the customers. Shane's been trying to get him a couple times, but he fucked himself really bad. One time he blocked Noah in the shop and cussed him out that he didnt want some cocksucker near him, but he was stupid like always. I guess he was waiting for Noah what he would do, and of course nobody was warning Shane cos he's such an ass. Noah was only grinning so Shane said why doesnt he go and sit on something in his ass and not go in the shop and thats when the manager that was standing behind him tipped him on the shoulder and took Shane to the office. We were all grinning and high-fiving each other, cos everyone could hear the manager yell at Shane for like 10 minutes straight. Not cos everyone was for Noah, more like because Shane is such a ass and he so fucking deserves to pay just once for all the shit he pulls. When Shane got back everyone was like looking at him and he just flipped us off.
I wouldnt say that everyone in the shop is like all cool with gay now, not really. When Noah isnt around they all still make jokes about cocksuckers and when Noah is like in a really good mood they say he prolly got it really good up his ass the night before, stuff like that. But their all like all business with him, cos he's really good and we dont have to do things over like before when everything was always a mess. Noah comes by sometimes at my station when its slow for chat and I think he's like trying to find out if I'm gay or what, and he's like teasing me some. Liek the other day when it got warm finally the first day and I could take my shirt off like I always do when its warm, and he came by and said if it doesnt bother me like when gay customers come by and drool over me cos I'm hot. I didnt say anything much but its like he outed himself and I felt bad that I didnt tell him I was gay too and have a bf. But he doesnt see what I see, like how the guys talk behind his back. It's not that their mean or anything its just I know how they really think. To him they are all biz and friendly, I dont think he has any idea that for them hes still a fag and cocksucker. Or he knows and he just doesnt care.
He is really hot tho, and he doesnt take shit from nobody. Even Shane ignores him, like he isnt their and when he has to talk to him he keeps it like real short. I think this time he knows next time hes gone pulling any shit. He even leaves all of us now alone. He almost ran me over the other day, if I hadnt jumped in the last second he would have pinched my legs between a bumper and the wall and prolly broken both my legs. I bet he did it on purpose but it was hard to tell, cos the car did have bad brakes. So I didnt say nothing and Cody who saw it didnt either after he talked to me. I think Shane isnt gonna last much longer. Good riddence!!
I just hope my bf wont get to see Noah. He is sooo totally his type. Thats gonna be a problem. But he comes by my work real rare and never in the office just pulling up to the bays in the back or waiting outside in the car.
Scaffies THE EXPRESS Ballbusting Newspaper
8 years ago
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