wow I should of have started this blog thing a long time ago. I just looked and what I just wrote got like really long. Its nice to WRITE what I mean, cos with people and SAYING it I can never get it out right. Don't know if this is really good for me, I might just blog me into real trouble with my bf but maybe when I tell him about my blog some time he knows what I feel for him and how much I love him, since I can never get it out all to tell him and he never wants to hear it anyways. Like the "boyfriend" thing, just saying the word is making trouble.
I forgot we went to go to Kinko's after eating, so he could get some box to put a poster in. He's been wanting to visit his ex-ex, like the one guy hes been with for a long time, another foreigner whos now like all cowboy on a ranch way out south. I'm glad the faggy Brokeback Mountain poster is gone. It's like soo (!!) not him, but he says he got it for a present and he thinks his ex and the exs bf like it. I'm just glad when its gone. So at the Kinko's hes asking this guy at the counter for the box (like hes gonna ship it, he just wants it for the drive down to the ranch) and this dude goes all gaga over him. This is like the second time in a day goddamit. He's like hes gonna bend over right their and flirting and running like way back to get just one of them stupid boxes. I gave him like these really mean looks like dude you better fuck the hell off, but the guy is like just ignoring me. My bf was just like amused, he doesnt like it when guys get too giddy anyways and he wasnt his type. Still, I fucking hate it.
But what I was wanting to say is on the way in to the Kinkos theirs like this N*****. I guess I can't say that on here... I set the blog to "adult" and all but... So theirs this black guy and hes like all loud talking to the thing in his ear. I know it's like the headset for his celly but like my bf always says it looks like a hearing aid. I was just wanting to rant about black people. I HATE them. I know its like harsh to say, and their all fucked themself just cos their black. And like me, I should say nothing anyways, cos I'm poz, I got a long record, I can't say nothing right out, I like dick up my ass and lots of kink weird shit, and their just got dark skin. So but still, I HATE black people. Cos their just using it like so much for excuse their all fucked up just cos their black, and they aint got no chance whatever.
But their no better then anyone else. Like, when you got a black guy in front of you and he knows your behind them they make you wait just cos they can, and just cos their black and your white. Or like when they cross the road in front of you. And if they can get a white guy and nobodys looking you get FUCKED UP. I never forget, in juvi, any 1 white guy and a couple black guys and it was HELL on earth. Its like they want to make you pay for whatevers been happening to ALL their people, and just make you alone pay for everything. Thats so fuckin unfair. If you got under a couple times by a bunch of black guys, you would hate them too even if your feeling bad for them like in general.
So when this loud back fucker was waling by yelling at this bug in the ear, I kind ahad to flinch some and I got already ticked off before we even got into the Kinko's.
Scaffies THE EXPRESS Ballbusting Newspaper
8 years ago
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