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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Grocery shopping geek

I was getting Cokes and stuff and watched this guy at the other isle.

I always go to the automated cashier... cos of my studder, so i don't have to talk to anybody.

And I don't want anybody to get cute with me, cos when Josh sees that he just gives me a headbutt (or worse).

Anyway this guy waved the cashier girl over and showed her his phone (one of those smart things that cost a lot) and she scanned something directly off the screen. It took a while cos the scanner wouldn't take it at first .. long enough to get my (simple) cell out and take the picture...

funny, I thought, someone pays like $500 or more for a phone like that and $80 a month or so for the contract (3 years??) to save 50 cents on something and he has to spend 2 to 3 minutes to get the bargain (I just stuff the paper in the slot after scanning and it takes 10 seconds) ....

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