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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update (again) ... haven't written (again) in so long

OMG!! I haven't written A THING this year yet. Sorry I don't know why this happens..

I just got a mail from a guy and he said reading my blog really helped him a lot. That's good. I don't know what it helped him with though. His name on Recon was soemthing with "sub" so I guess it's helping him to accept that side of him that likes to serve or get hurt or both.Hey if it helps him thats what counts.

So I have been to Louisiana lots to visit with my twin bro in Angola. By now I know the area around the West Feliciana Parish pretty good! What I don't get is why people say Angola is so bad. I've been in several pens myself before and where they had Clayton before was a lot worse too. The people at Angola are really OK (its still the pen but compared..). He is with someone now and he seems a lot more relaxed. I guess he has kind of accepted who is is now and is finally starting to accept it. Too bad he had to almost kill someone for it. He is asking me a lot of questions about it, too. That is good. I guess you can't have a gay and a straight twin .. one has got to be lying to himself. I just wish he wasn't doing time and we could spend time together, like outside. At least this way I know where he is and he can't be going nowhere.

Josh thinks its good I go see him a lot. With Josh I never know what he is thinking so I am happy he likes this.

Work is really going good! I still have the top efficiency spot and I did get all the bonus in a row and the extra premium. Most of it I used for gas and motels going to Louisiana and for presents.

Tomorrow is flecktarn again. Its either I just sit around and get ignored OR Josh totally lets me hang there to dry. Last week I got so beat up and then I had to go to Mitchell's on Friday and he kicked in my balls really bad this time. I don't know what I did to Master Mitchell that he is always so mad at me. I always served him good before Josh and never did nothing wrong with him.

I am tired so I quit for now. At least I wrote something!!


Anonymous said...

We missed you. Love to know how you got on at Flectarn

over it said...

Sound like your work situation at this point was going great. I hope it continues as I read on and catch up with your blog.

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